PrestaShop Authorized Customers Only
B2B | Distributors | Suppliers | Manufactures | Wholesalers
Demo: Front End
Benefits for merchants
Merchants can configure a store for private use by wholesalers, businesses, and professionals.
- Customers who are signed in and authorized can view the full shopping cart and associated prices, enabling them to make their purchase seamlessly.
- Unregistered visitors may view the catalog, but without access to prices (if applicable) or any of the cart processing capabilities (such as add to cart or check-out). Interested parties can register for an account by clicking on the module widget and following the prompts for account sign-up or logging in.
- Account requests are emailed to the administrator and customers receive a notification that their application is undergoing review.
- Once approval is granted, customers receive an email notification indicating they are now permitted to make purchases from your store.
- The module furnishes a front office widget which guides prospective shoppers to submit an application for an account and allowed customers to sign in.
- The widget features PrestaHeroes' 'hook anywhere' function, granting you the ability to display an info widget anywhere by device type. This convenient system provides the freedom to customize your shop's information placement.
Benefits for customers
New customers are provided easy navigation to ‘request an account’ while approved customers are promoted to sign in to top.